As a non-profit organization, Out in Tech depends on the generous financial and in-kind support of our sponsors to advance our mission.
We believe that sponsorship opportunities should be accessible to any organization regardless of size or financial means, and so we offer several sponsorship opportunities:
Program Sponsor
Sponsor an event. Our event sponsors contribute financial, location, and/or in-kind support for a single or series of events. Our sponsors, who are mutually invested in promoting diversity in the tech industry, partner with our programming team to develop the event format, identify speakers, and promote the event. This provides fantastic visibility into Out In Tech's unique membership.
Mission Sponsor
Support the next generation of LGBTQ youth. Our mission-focused supporters contribute financial and in-kind support to help us inspire the next generation of LGBTQ youth to pursue careers in tech. Supporting organizations understand the power of knowledge, career exposure, and support in a young person's life as they contemplate their identity, their future, and the intersection of the two.
Sustaining Sponsor
Underwrite our long-term mission. Financial support ensures that Out in Tech has the means to continue to unite the LGBT tech community. Led by a full-time executive director and committed cadre of volunteers in each of our cities, Out in Tech has modest yet ongoing overhead costs for website hosting, tax filings, and more. Underwriters help offset these costs to ensure we can deliver on our core mission.
Getting involved
If you or your company are interested in supporting our mission, please contact us to discuss making a tax-deductible contribution. Your support of Out in Tech makes a powerful statement to our diverse and growing membership of developers, designers, marketers, product, and business people in the tech industry.